SAMIRA PORT On Overcoming Challenges & Journeys of Healing

Samira Port, Author of the S. Diary – A Way Out Of Diets and Healthy Eating Advocate hasn’t always understood the priority and importance of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Her personal journey with health and wellness has experienced some hardships but battling through them and stronger and confident on the other side, she now champions the importance of healthy living, balanced foods & healthy skin – in this interview series, we discuss the challenges of dieting, healing and rituals and how she takes care of her skin. 

SD: Your story has been incredible to watch over the years, you have healed from different eating disorders, what have you learned about yourself in this time?

SP: The most important thing I’ve learnt is that everything is possible. I’ve always been quite confident and believed in achieving my goals for instance, but suffering from bulimia and binge eating created doubts. At times, I felt very hopeless due to feeling so powerless, but things changed. Today, I am fully recovered and have proven to myself that even the least seemingly impossible things are possible.

SD: How would you then say that has impacted your life as a whole?

SP: I would say that I’ve put this mindset towards everything. Career, personal life and  skincare. In the past I’ve had issues with pigmentation scarring which I thought I’d never get rid of but through investing in my skin and patience, these scars are history.

SD: Is there a mantra you can then pass on?

SP: Just never stop believing and working on yourself, then everything is possible! 🙂

SD: Jumping straight in with your skin then, how would you describe it?

SP: Definitely normal, I don’t experience too much of an in-balance but it instead varies depending on the season. With it being winter, I tend to get very dry skin and admittedly, I don’t drink enough water to help quench its thirst.

SD: How do you then take care of your skin?

SP: I’m incredibly simple when it comes to my skincare, careful to not overload it – a gentle cleanse in the morning and apply a water-based day ceam before following up with SPF 

SD: Anything special for the evening routine?

SP: Again, nothing too complex, I’ll cleanse my skin with my Clarisonic brush before following up with an AHA Toner and either a hydrating serum or oil.

SD: Anything you avoid in your routine?

SP: I rarely use rich creams as they are too fatty for my skin but love to have a Microdermabrasion Facial every 4-6 weeks for a thorough deep cleanse, exfoliation and extraction to remove any impurities.

SD: Do you have any top skincare picks from SKINDAYS that are the ultimate products for you?

SP: I really do love taking care of body and skin so the De Mamiel Salvation Body Oil is perfect, incredibly silky in feeling and luxurious on the body. I also love the Luxmi Hydrating Radiance Serum and Hydrating Mist Refreshing Face Mist for when my skin is feeling parched or dull – they are the best skin pick-me-up.


SD: Outside of skincare, are there any beauty rituals or pursuits that you engage in and how do you find that they benefit your spirit, well-being and sense of confidence?

SP: I make sure to have at least 2-3L of still water a day and visit the sauna a few times a week. I find that it does wonders for my skin and your overall well-being. OH! and lets not forget about getting enough sleep each night, I function at my best for 7 to 8 hrs a night.

SD: What do you believe about beauty now that you perhaps didn’t before?

SP: That a good skincare routine supports the way you feel, and that makes you shine from the inside out. If your skin is truly nourished, it will show, I always choose good skin care products over make-up.

SD: What do you believe about beauty now that you perhaps didn’t before?

SP: That a good skincare routine supports the way you feel, and that makes you shine from the inside out. If your skin is truly nourished, it will show, I always choose good skin care products over make-up.

SD: When do you feel the most confident?

SP: When I’m happy.

SD: A favourite beauty/skincare memory?

SP: My best skincare memory, when I hit my 20s and finally got rid of breakouts on my back. I suppose ageing does have some skin benefits.

SD: Finally, what is a big focus for you in the next 6 months?

SP: I am currently planning a podcast and an 8-week in-depth program on beating unhealthy eating habits. I would have never expected to reach so many people with the same or similar problems that I have suffered with and experienced and to provide help and an alternative way to beat unhealthy eating habits means the world to me. I wish I had that back then when I was struggling. So, for now it’s building this community and providing the best valuable content for my followers.

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