Skincare Essentials with Leila Kashanipour

Leila Kashanipour is a Persian, London based content creator/event organiser/designer consultant/mother/wife and beauty guru! Whilst she started her career with her jewellery line (LeiVanKash), Leila’s impeccable taste and authenticity has established her as an inspiration in many areas, and more specifically beauty.

At Skindays, we are inspired by Leila’s approach to buying skincare, as she shares our perspective on the importance of having a personalised skincare routine, understanding your specific skin and not overdoing it! 

We are thrilled to collaborate with her to launch her Skindays Summer Edit curation of 6 products she has selected for her skincare routine!

Discover more about Leila’s skincare routine and habits in the interview with Diana (Skindays Co-Founder) below:

Diana: Could you please start by telling us a little more about yourself?

Leila: My name is Leila Kashanipour. I am Iranian and have been living in London for the past 20 years. I came here to study jewellery design at Central Saint Martins, which I did until I became a mother in 2018. After that, I decided to combine my passion for jewellery with other essential fashions such as skincare and my interest in fashion to create and reinvent myself as a content creator/event organiser/designer consultant.

Diana: You’ve clearly loved skincare for a long time. What’s your memory of skincare?

Leila: I have loved skincare for a while, but I do not think I understood it as well as I started doing so from the age of 32. I attended an event through which I was given high-quality skincare products and started understanding the benefits of a personalised and efficient skincare routine. As soon as I settled into that routine and saw the positive impact on my skin. For instance, I stopped breaking out because I was exfoliating when I needed to, using a toner when I needed to, using vitamin c, and so forth. As I saw the positive results of my routine, I became pretty invested in skincare and started growing a genuine interest in skincare and beauty.

Diana: What are your biggest concerns with your skin?

Leila: I think it would be pigmentation and dehydration. Despite applying a lot of serums and moisturisers, My natural water intake is embarrassingly low. I am good at topping up with hydration on the surface, but I need to be better at drinking water. I am also concerned about the oily t-zone, which would be my most important concern and how to keep it in check. Finally, I am 36 years old, and I have seen some fine wrinkles in the last few years, but I guess it is the grace of ageing.

Diana: As we are approaching summer, what is your go to skincare routine for the warmer months?

Leila: Usually, during summer, I top up my SPF to SPF 50, and one of my favourites is one that you stock, the Skin Insurance Invisible SPF 50 from Sarah Chapman. I like the texture and the smell, and I like how it sits under make-up. I exfoliate more regularly and usually have facials once a month during the summer because I feel that the pores get clogged up easier.

                       “During summer, I top up my SPF to SPF 50, and one of my favourites is the Skin Insurance Invisible SPF 50 from Sarah Chapman – a must have”

Diana: Could you tell us a bit more about your Skindays Summer Edit and the products you have chosen?

Leila: The products I have chosen from Skindays are ones that I have genuinely loved and used for over 3 years. One of the products is from Goldfaden, the Doctor’s Scrub – Ruby Crystal Microderm Exfoliator. I think the grains are perfectly shaped so it does not scratch your skin and it really removes all the dirt, oils, and excess make-up. Another one I have already mentioned is the Skin Insurance Invisible SPF 50 from Sarah Chapman, I think is brilliant. The Super Seed Nutrient cream from Votary, I really like also as it is really hydrating and nourishing. I discovered the Hyaluronic Acid Compound K booster from Venn on Skindays, and found it really efficient andhydrating, great alternative to Vitamin C. Oskia was a brand I had heard a lot of good reviews about, and I have loved trying their Liquid Mask on Skindays!

“One of my essentials is from Goldfaden, the Doctor’s Scrub – Ruby Crystal Microderm Exfoliator. I think the grains are perfectly shaped so it does not scratch your skin and it really removes all the dirt, oils, and excess make-up

Diana: We are thrilled to work with you, could you tell us about something you have liked/appreciated with Skindays?

Leila: I am also very honoured to be working with Skindays, and thank you so much for trusting me to host your Summer Edit and launch at Mazi in Notting Hill. What I particularly like about Skindays is the boutique approach your are taking and the fact that your recommendations are personalised. Everyone’s skin is different, and it is important to address that. I like that it is simple, I took the skincare test, and it was very quick, and the product suggested will make it easier for someone who does not have much time on their hands, so the system is very time efficient. It is perfect for a pioneer or someone who wants to try new products already knowing their skin!

Diana: A good scent is one thing that really helps us to relax. What is your go-to for self care? 

Leila: Scent-wise, I love everything that is rose scented. I like oaky, woody, and bergamot scents as well. My ultimate self-care is a facial. I really adore the facialist called Guendalina. Also, I recently went to see Pietro Simone for a facial, and I thought it was amazing. Finally, the DNA 1 by D.Thomas is also fantastic for self-care, and you just immediately see plumped, hydration-lifted skin after a visit to any of these specialists.

Diana: What is the best skincare advice that you’ve personally ever received?

Leila: A bit of advice that has stayed with me since childhood is that my mum gave me, which was never to go to bed with make-up and always cleanse and moisturise your skin, so those are the steps I have followed since I started wearing make-up. I will never go to bed with make-up nor not brush my teeth, so those two things are my absolute essentials!


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