Sophie Jebsen’s Less Is More Approach to Skincare

SKINDAYS: How would you describe your skin?

Sophie Jebsen: My skin is dry and sensitive. It needs alot of moisture and extra TLC during the winter months, and as my skin is very fair I use SPF every day all year round, even on Christmas Eve. I also have very sensitive skin, meaning I easily react to products with especially strong ingredients. Therefore my routine is very stripped
back and simple.

SD: Could you walk us through your morning routine, from cleansing to moisturizing

SJ: I often start my day exercising, which I find to be the best way to wake my body and face up. I always, always, cleanse my face properly before applying anything else.
On days where I have a little more time, I’ll use a face mask and/or my Skindays gua sha while enjoying my morning coffee. But during the week I go straight on to toning with my favourite exfoliating pads, before I apply an anti-aging, hydrating serum and my combined moisturiser and SPF.

SD: As someone with sensitive skin, how do you balance trying new products with sticking to aconsistent skincare routine?

SJ: I have my basic skincare routine with a handful of products which I know work really well for my skin. As my skin is super sensitive I have not changed this routine in years, and won’t until necessary. However, I love trying new products, and specifically products that I can add on to my already established routine, such as
face masks and serums. I never try several new products at once, in that way I can easily identify whether my skin likes the product or not, and whether it is something I should incorporate into my routine.

SD: What are some skincare ingredients that you look for when choosing products?
I love products containing niacinamide which reduces fine lines, but also treats impurities, redness and acne. Citrus extract and Vitamin C are also ingredients I like in my products as they provide a smoother skin tone and extra glow, but my skin can’t take a too high concentrate of vitamin C so it has to be incorporated into milder products.

SD: When do you feel most confident?

SJ: I definitely feel the most confident when my skin is at its best which is generally during the summer. The less makeup I need to cover up spots, redness or dark circles, the more confident I am and the more beautiful I feel.

SD: What do you believe about beauty now that you didn’t before?

SJ: Less is more. Before I thought piling on layers of products would help and improve my skin, but in recent years I have really stripped back to the bare minimum, using products that are really effective.

SD: Last skincare treatment?

SJ: My last skincare treatment was a Signature TT Facial at Teresa Tarmey. Their facials are such a treat, and I always leave with my skin feeling refreshed, nourished and glowing.

SD: Night table essentials?

SJ: A good book, hand cream and cuticle oil.

SD: Top skincare picks from Skindays?

SJ: The Skindays gua sha, of course, and anything from Votary, but especially their glow drops and super seed serum. I also really like MZ Skin’s eye masks.

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